Alternate album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen Jaymes

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Alternate album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen Jaymes

Baby Album Covers!

filed in bts, the process
tagged album covers, sneak peek

YES. We did the Baby photo shoot last night.

Christal, who is running herself ragged, going back into work today because yesterday’s winds didn’t materialize (not because it’s any safer in general, necessarily) managed to peel herself away from super draining work to help me suit up and take the photos. I’m grateful for her help. I reciprocated by making nice bowls of bananas and blueberries covered in hot creamy oatmeal for us to survive on. I also helped her set up some new monitors so she can work just as efficiently at home when it’s ‘allowed’.

We trade favors like that back and forth and it’s really fun when it’s done right. When you really are invested as much in your partner’s success as they are in yours, and all the tasks just seem like comrades building a new future together.

I made two covers. I’m debating for now. I’ll make use of the one that isn’t the official cover, for sure. I don’t know how yet, but I will. Maybe an alternate cover on Bandcamp or something. Maybe a social post. This kind of strategy can make you exhausted, because it involves shuttling so much new creation through so many different channels so that they can all lead back to what you’re essentially doing. The music, the movie, whatever it is.

These days, you just keep all the variations because there’s a lot of “channels” that “need” “content” and you need to go feed them if you’re playing the game.

I like to play the game in subversive ways, where I can.

For example, this is the inspired job post I paid to feature on Upwork last night. Can you imagine what it’s like to read job description created by AI after job description created by AI, alienating you from the work before you even get to interview for it, and then stumbling along this?

I’m looking for a highly experienced music PR agent to elevate my artist’s visibility in key national publications. He’s going to release an album that could win all the awards if the exact right someone knew exactly how to pitch to three exact someones. This thing is gold. And the material behind it, and the website, and the personality, and the blog, and the mixes, are all something that will excite you. You may sit down with my artist and end up talking about Jung and butterflies. I’m not kidding. Music is a one in a million shot, even with the most carefully crafted, award-winning-level albums. It’s an impossible dream. But sometimes it happens. And the artist I represent, he’s that ball of energy that could be beamed right into the New Yorker or Rolling Stone or even the New York Times. It’s that level. Think I’m kidding? Try me. Why am I posting this on Upwork? Because it’s a truly mixed up media world right now. It really is. And if you’ve read this far, and you’re still here, then you may be a music PR veteran, and you maybe have a couple of phone calls you could make that would put you back on the map with a couple of people. There’s a reason you and my artist are going to meet. He will tell you that before I do, I know that. You’ll read this, and you’ll get it. He knows it.

So the album’s in the can, all ready to go. 10 tracks. Cover TBD, but that’s all that’s still pending. Many of the tracks are already out there on Spotify, but the mixes on the album drop will be more radio friendly and more mature at the same time. It’s an album for 2025. Everything about it is this moment.

Are you the person who can slingshot this artist to the stars, the one who, in the movie, gets a lot of credit for ‘discovering’ (not really, but he’ll let you) this new musical messiah?

Maybe. If so, you’ll know what to say.

I have some folks who’ve applied. I can’t help it. I’m waging a campaign against dehumanization. Every day, in every way. Here’s the part that AI suggested. I just left it at the bottom.

The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in music promotion, strong media connections, and the ability to develop innovative PR strategies. You will be responsible for managing press outreach, securing media placements, and coordinating promotional events. A passion for music and understanding of current trends is a must. If you have the skills to amplify our presence, we want to hear from you!

How to amuse oneself at the end of everything. How to use humanness as a weapon against the weathering elements of technological development attempting to steal our human faces. Every second I wage this war.

Where were we? Oh yes. Here are the two covers for your debating pleasure.

Album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen JaymesAlternate album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen Jaymes

YES. We did the Baby photo shoot last night.

Christal, who is running herself ragged, going back into work today because yesterday’s winds didn’t materialize (not because it’s any safer in general, necessarily) managed to peel herself away from super draining work to help me suit up and take the photos. I’m grateful for her help. I reciprocated by making nice bowls of bananas and blueberries covered in hot creamy oatmeal for us to survive on. I also helped her set up some new monitors so she can work just as efficiently at home when it’s ‘allowed’.

We trade favors like that back and forth and it’s really fun when it’s done right. When you really are invested as much in your partner’s success as they are in yours, and all the tasks just seem like comrades building a new future together.

I made two covers. I’m debating for now. I’ll make use of the one that isn’t the official cover, for sure. I don’t know how yet, but I will. Maybe an alternate cover on Bandcamp or something. Maybe a social post. This kind of strategy can make you exhausted, because it involves shuttling so much new creation through so many different channels so that they can all lead back to what you’re essentially doing. The music, the movie, whatever it is.

These days, you just keep all the variations because there’s a lot of “channels” that “need” “content” and you need to go feed them if you’re playing the game.

I like to play the game in subversive ways, where I can.

For example, this is the inspired job post I paid to feature on Upwork last night. Can you imagine what it’s like to read job description created by AI after job description created by AI, alienating you from the work before you even get to interview for it, and then stumbling along this?

I’m looking for a highly experienced music PR agent to elevate my artist’s visibility in key national publications. He’s going to release an album that could win all the awards if the exact right someone knew exactly how to pitch to three exact someones. This thing is gold. And the material behind it, and the website, and the personality, and the blog, and the mixes, are all something that will excite you. You may sit down with my artist and end up talking about Jung and butterflies. I’m not kidding. Music is a one in a million shot, even with the most carefully crafted, award-winning-level albums. It’s an impossible dream. But sometimes it happens. And the artist I represent, he’s that ball of energy that could be beamed right into the New Yorker or Rolling Stone or even the New York Times. It’s that level. Think I’m kidding? Try me. Why am I posting this on Upwork? Because it’s a truly mixed up media world right now. It really is. And if you’ve read this far, and you’re still here, then you may be a music PR veteran, and you maybe have a couple of phone calls you could make that would put you back on the map with a couple of people. There’s a reason you and my artist are going to meet. He will tell you that before I do, I know that. You’ll read this, and you’ll get it. He knows it.

So the album’s in the can, all ready to go. 10 tracks. Cover TBD, but that’s all that’s still pending. Many of the tracks are already out there on Spotify, but the mixes on the album drop will be more radio friendly and more mature at the same time. It’s an album for 2025. Everything about it is this moment.

Are you the person who can slingshot this artist to the stars, the one who, in the movie, gets a lot of credit for ‘discovering’ (not really, but he’ll let you) this new musical messiah?

Maybe. If so, you’ll know what to say.

I have some folks who’ve applied. I can’t help it. I’m waging a campaign against dehumanization. Every day, in every way. Here’s the part that AI suggested. I just left it at the bottom.

The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in music promotion, strong media connections, and the ability to develop innovative PR strategies. You will be responsible for managing press outreach, securing media placements, and coordinating promotional events. A passion for music and understanding of current trends is a must. If you have the skills to amplify our presence, we want to hear from you!

How to amuse oneself at the end of everything. How to use humanness as a weapon against the weathering elements of technological development attempting to steal our human faces. Every second I wage this war.

Where were we? Oh yes. Here are the two covers for your debating pleasure.

Album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen JaymesAlternate album cover artwork for the song Baby Can't Be Helped by Stephen Jaymes

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