[Editor’s note: As I mentioned previously, Zsolt is a very smart guy. So previously I told him we had our fingers crossed about the winds this week. In his recent message, Zsolt said he hoped the Anemoi had mercy.]
The Anemoi didn’t even show up. We got so lucky this week. I really can’t believe it. I mean, “we”. You know, me and Christal.
I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today. I told him about my idea. He thought it was genius. But guess what my brother? His fucking house burned down. His wife had 30 minutes’ notice. He got caught in traffic trying to get there. When he finally got to his neighborhood, he tried to take a shortcut he knew to go a back way to his house, and two blocks from his house——flames.
His wife got her jewelry and the animals and fled. They’re all safe. But he hepped me to what is happening now. This is how he put it: Los Angeles just got flooded with 10,000 new homeless families.
So guess what has happened to the real estate market and the inventory of housing? That’s right. Even tighter. Even more expensive. Even more impossible to get. It’s a nightmare from a whole lot of perspectives.
But one way it’s not really a nightmare, as far as I can tell, from where I’m sitting——and man, you can totally tell this by the number of helicopters that fly over our house, because our house is on the helicopter route in and out of the neighborhood——there hasn’t been any more crime than one would expect based on past data and similar circumstances.
The right wing anti-immigrant guys are trying to take control of California. They’re totally aligned with all the real estate guys and landlords who have no empathy right now. And in California, they pull all the weight. After tech and pharmaceuticals, it’s real estate. I might even say real estate is first now, since tech influence has now become just the billionaires at the top literally telling what the president to do.
But there are a lot of real estate guys and landlords in California, and they all want everyone to be scared of immigrants, and to associate them with crime, so that the state goes red in the next wave of elections. And it might work. But from where I’m sitting, the crime is exactly what everyone could have predicted and prepared for. No more. But who likes facts now?
My brother I listened to the two mixes back to back a couple of times today and I can totally, totally hear the difference. I left them both in the Dropbox folder for the weekend, then I’ll pull the old one. Also, I finalized the cover for Baby and submitted it for distribution. It drops February 7.
Love from the abyss.