It is time for us to get past this issue now, before 2025 unfolds, as you will understand more clearly by the time we’re done here. It is time for us to get past this issue because it is getting in the way of us doing what our prime objective in this dimension is, which is to make sure that every human on the planet is fed, healthy, and living in their owned space (whether they share it or not) so that they can heal themselves and express the Godflower. This is our prime objective here. Our nervous systems are wired to tell us this. What is that called, when everyone——I mean everyone——is fed, housed, and comfortable enough to feel the God feeling? Oh yeah. That’s called peace on motherfucking Earth.
I’m a science guy. If you haven’t read anything else that I have written here so far yet, just know that. I come to this as a natural skeptic, a science guy, and someone who has thought a lot about this issue and how it relates to biology, the arts, and institutionalized religion. So listen up, no matter what you believe, because you might just find something in here that heals you.
I write this in the spirit of attempting to heal us all, as many of us as possible, on this one particular issue that is in, you know——it’s got to be among the top five issues dividing everybody on the planet. Not just now but for a very fucking long time. So I hope you take it in that spirit. The spirit of attempting to connect with everyone, no matter what they believe with regard to this issue.
In the spirit of healing at Christmastime, which is the time when your heart is supposed to be the most open, whatever you believe, even if you believe in just presents. With your heart open, knowing that this time of year we are supposed to feel a little bit more brotherly love than we normally do. I want you to read this and in the back of your mind, if you don’t think about it consciously, it will become apparent to you who you might want to share this with. The person, other than you, who could get a little healed by this.
Here’s the final word on homosexuality. This is God’s one gift to you on Christmas Eve. You know how a lot of people have that tradition where you get to open one gift, but just one, the night before? Well, this is it. From God directly to you. Your Christmas Eve Gift.
God does not care anymore who you partner with to create more God. It just——he really doesn’t. Anymore. But we have to understand why so many people for so long really cared about this issue, because to say that it isn’t an important issue to evolution is to be stupid and we’re not that because we’re on the trail of God.
Homosexuality is an important issue because it’s an issue for your genes. People, all over the fucking place, from time immemorial, feel in their bones that homosexuality is wrong. If you try to deny that, you’re——um, not on the trail of God. People feel this feeling. This is why so many homosexuals have problems coming out of the closet, because, in addition to their homosexual feelings, they also feel that homosexuality is wrong, in their bones. And we, most of us, feel this in our bones because genetically we are engineered to feel that it is wrong. It’s a feeling inside you, and we are confused now because we want to trust our feelings.
Okay, so when was it——homosexuality——actually wrong for God? Before now. That’s all you need to know. Details are irrelevant. Before right now, the cusp of 2025, it was really important that we keep reproducing. Why? Because the odds were against us. Because each individual human being was like a sperm. Most of us weren’t going to succeed in our mission. Which is to survive and reproduce. It was a long time before most of us around the world, most of us had even a fair shot at making it. Before that, most of us didn’t make it. So you had to fucking reproduce all over the place or you weren’t going to get God to be in a human being anywhere.
Fast forward to now. We have to deal with God and our genetics and our feelings now, on the cusp of creating peace on Earth. We are about to evolve. This is the process. This is the point. And along the evolutionary path to our God objective——peace on Earth—— we happen (coincidentally?) to be at a technological point in time where reproduction is no longer such an issue of overcoming the odds, because our environment has changed——we changed it——and the reproductive odds are very much now in our favor. Because we can do it in a test tube.
So, was homosexuality ever ‘wrong’ in the eyes of God? Well, kind of, from one perspective, yes, once upon a time. But now it’s not. Do you understand? There’s just no reason. There is no reason in the world to pass judgment on any other human being for feeling homosexual love, because that judgment has no purpose anymore. Even if your bones tell you you’re uncomfortable with homosexuality. You have to see now that it’s a vestigial tail. Your job is to lose it. Nobody’s telling you to practice homosexuality, or to tell your kids to practice it, and nobody’s saying that homosexuality is somehow better than heterosexuality——and we will get more into that at a later time. Judicial and cultural overcompensation.
Don’t get distracted by any of those questions. Your job now, right now on Christmas Eve, is to just start integrating it. Gay people will have your rights and live among you. If any gay people get in your face and act like they are better than you, fuck ’em. That’s not what God is about. But now, on the verge of VISION 2025 (yeah, I think that’s what we’re gonna call it), we will just know that if a gay person is doing the work of promoting peace on Earth along with us, we should simply get past our feelings and love them in the Christian sense. That is, really accept them and not deny them the right to personally know God along with everyone else.
The purpose of evolving consciousness is to shed yourself of the evolutionary code that is now deprecated. That which is still in your DNA, but is not necessary anymore. Recognizing it and ignoring it is one of the core functions of evolving consciousness. God says it’s part of your job. We are moving forward. We don’t need our vestigial tails. God is a fucking businessman. In some respects. Just look at nature and evolution. He doesn’t like shit that slows us down. Fighting over this issue is slowing us down on the way to peace on Earth.
Nobody should deny human feelings. It’s stup——not on the path to peace on Earth. The long-running, not-being-comfortable-with-homosexuality feeling is still in there in our DNA. You can’t deny it. People who want gay rights sometimes, sometimes get distracted, because they think that the way to get those rights is to root out or deny that feeling we have in our bones.
But, we now can say we know, in our hearts, that to say anyone who feels homosexuality is wrong is a bad person is not the way to achieve gay rights or peace on Earth. Because the point is——and this is one of the biggest reasons why the right and the left fight, and why assholes use that fighting to exploit people on both sides who have good hearts, assholes who pay a lot of money to make good people think things that aren’t true.
It’s because both sides sometimes——sometimes, maybe, a little bit, both sides——deny reality. Maybe it’s by accident, or with good intentions, sometimes. Sometimes maybe not. But now we have discussed an example of this reality denial. Misguided people trying to convince us the prohibition against homosexuality as a felt thing, designed to help evolution, felt in our bones——convince us that it doesn’t exist, or doesn’t serve a purpose.
That is not the way. Just like denying the reality of homosexuality being a spectrum of human behavior from the dawn of evolution is not the way. Saying it doesn’t exist, or shouldn’t exist, or otherwise judging or persecuting or denying rights to homosexuals is also not anywhere near the way. God says so. God says he doesn’t fucking care anymore and he’s tired. He’s tired of all the broken relationships. All God wants is for each of us to get fed, healthy, and comfortable enough to feel him from our DNA. All of us. All the humans and then all the living things. Every single one.
It is easy to heal on this, and it is now easy, finally, for all of us to put it all in the past. Nobody is going to deny reality anymore. Because all we care about now is knowing where the precious human genome is and feeding it, and medicating it, and allowing it to heal through this dimension so that it can personally know God, and then connect with everyone else who is on their own path to the same destination.
This is your gift. That you are still alive. Right now. After it all came to pass. And you can just forget about this issue now as anything more than a fact of life. God has more important things to do now that we’ve survived to this point. And it’s time we listen to him. That means accepting the past as his will (or just as the past if you don’t believe), and moving fucking forward. Just forward now. To healing people, institutions, and the Earth. To Peace.
Merry Christmas Eve. Your present is this: the punishments are over. Nobody ever gets coal again. Nobody. Not even you. Ever. Again. Hallelujah.
Suggested ways to share this post with someone without implying you want a response, and, in so doing, heal yourself and the other person a little right now:
Hi. I read this and it made me think of you. I think it made me understand things a little better. Know that I thought of you in friendship at Christmas. I wish you a happy 2025.
I read this and it made me look at our shared past a little differently. I think I understand where we were both coming from in a better light. It’s pretty neutral, I hope it helps you the way it helped me. Take care. I hope you have a great 2025.