The thing we can learn from the gospels is that there were four guys who witnessed one thing first-hand, and the four guys agreed on some things, but disagreed on a lot of other stuff. So much other stuff that for 2,000 years people argued a lot——a shit ton——about where those four guys disagreed. So your lesson from this, the takeaway from this, is that we only get to see things as human beings, and each one of us only gets to see it from the perspective of one individual human being.
You are only one particle of God, and you don’t really get to see the whole thing. Maybe, in flashes——you get glimpses if you’re lucky, but you never get to see the whole thing. You’re one particle of God, and God is looking and experiencing, right?——sensing, that’s the word, because it’s the five senses, not just looking. God is sensing and experiencing this dimension through you as a receiver and transmitter of the God energy. And the only way that God perceives truth is to combine all of our perspectives and take all our individual cognitive biases for just what they are——more data. He’s God so he knows what that shit is.
So remember that argument, disagreement, is a fundamental building block of our dimension. Even four guys who really wanted to spread what they thought was the same message argued. Debate, argument, and disagreement. They are all fundamental parts of our experiencing this dimension because we are individual humans. So you better get fucking comfortable with disagreeing with people and having your own opinion. And those opinions are going to be different, even from the people you love the most dearly sometimes. Because you’re an individual. Different from your parents? Hell yeah! Later in life, not so much, but yes, right now, before you’re healed, very different. That bond isn’t supposed to break and yet disagreements are an inescapable part of it. Just like the bond between the apostles wasn’t supposed to break, but they were human, so they remembered it differently, and they saw different things in the message, and they had different motivations that drove how they portrayed the story.
So life is about being an individual, and only God gets to see all the parts. And in that way, we can sort of intuit the real message of the New Testament by combining the four gospels. And, now, more of the gospels that we have discovered that have been, you know, deliberately or otherwise lost or suppressed along the way. We have to combine all those to try to pretend to be God-like for a moment, only in the service of trying to understand him.
Taking on multiple perspectives and attempting to resolve them in your heart is never hubris if your purpose is trying to understand God. That’s what empathy is about. If you can understand others, to the extent that you want to help them and feed them and show them God’s love so they can eat and get comfortable and also feel God, then that is empathy working perfectly for God. And your senses helped God know more of himself by helping another human.
You’re never going to know it all because you can’t be everybody. You can’t see through everyone’s eyes at the same time and see what God sees. Right? I mean, maybe that’s what happens when we achieve peace on Earth in 2025. Maybe we all have the same vision, and it’s God’s eyes. We’re all looking at the world and all the living things in it through God’s eyes together. That would be fucking rad.
But until then, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of seeing through everyone’s eyes at once. You can use empathy to get the general gist, and you will get it if you use empathy to try to heal someone else. But in this dimension, you’re going to disagree. So really, one way of thinking about the gospels, reckoning with the fact of them existing in juxtaposition, and finding meaning in that disagreement, is this: If you can’t get right with the idea that you’re constantly going to be in disagreement about absolutely fucking everything that you experience in your whole life, here in this dimension, then you’re just not going to be able to prepare for your DNA to feel God.
So get your mind comfortable with this fact. You’re swimming in disagreement here. A lot of the time you’re even gonna disagree with yourself. Get comfortable with it. Really, think about how to be cool with the fact that you live in a disagreement dimension, how you can act cool in that ridiculous and often painful condition we all find ourselves in, so that you don’t, accidentally, contribute to the common urge to hate this fact so much that we all lose our cool and make angry disagreement and fighting each other replace the important ways we are supposed to worship together and use disagreement to help us all feel God. Individually and together.
If you’re on this journey with me, we’re going to be talking about the ways in which healing yourself, healing the things that already exist and can be used to create peace on Earth, is an act of loving disagreement. Overcoming disagreement, first in yourself and then with others, and achieving harmony with yourself and then others through feeling the feeling of God, joining with others to look in their eyes as they too feel the universal, DNA-derived feeling of God. Which, once experienced, makes you realize that it’s possible to have peace on Earth right now. God says so.
We will join our multiple, diverse perspectives in the glory of feeding and housing everyone so that they can have the experience of God come from inside-out. And, in doing so, all of those important disagreements will fade to the background. They will still happen, because we must still improve all the infrastructure and technology and processes required to make peace on Earth happen. Doing that hard work will require hearing multiple qualified perspectives and joining them, if they can be joined, to come up with the best possible solutions.
But the disagreements that truly don’t matter will burn up in small, irritating flashes and be gone forever. And the remaining disagreements over the best ways to feed everyone and make them healthy enough to experience God will become less disagreements and more fast business-driven and art-driven and science-driven collaborations that evolve consciousness in a shared vision.
Merry Christmas. I hope you got what you wanted. I guess that would depend on how you look at it, though. Right? I want peace on Earth for Christmas. And my present this morning is that I believe between now and next Christmas, VISION 2025 will become a reality, and we will all start the easy work of making peace on Earth happen in a quantum heartbeat.