An art piece showing a sandy beach and an ocean horizon with 2025 written in the sand

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An art piece showing a sandy beach and an ocean horizon with 2025 written in the sand


filed in VISION2025
tagged manifestos

Happy New Year. It’s 2025 and 2024 is behind us. And so is all of the history that came before 2025. Take a deep breath so you can just feel the weight and depth and spread of that. All the details that came before now. Everything that happened. We can disagree, still, about how it happened. We could discuss blame. We’re not going to, though. You will understand why by the time we’ve concluded this talk.

We could look at the past and assign blame, or assign causality with extreme prejudice and pretend we’re just doing history. But we’re not going to, for one simple reason. That reason is this: You cannot argue with the fact that the past led us to this moment. To 2025.

Try it. Try arguing with that. Take your different reads of history, take your suddenly unearthed bombshell secrets and your awesome quantum universe theories, take them all and throw them and everything else you’ve got at the fact of that. That, whatever the color or flavor, whatever “blame” is assigned, whatever theoretical or theological or historical lens is applied, it all led to now. This moment.


Agreed? Ok. So now, we are simply going to state, to ourselves, for real, on this first day of 2025, and then to others, throughout 2025, with love and patience, that all of that which came before could have led to utter meaningless. Utter betrayal. Godforsakenness in all the pitiful degradation that powerful word implies. It could have, or it would have, it did in another dimension. It could have ended in darkness. But it has not, and it did not, not in this dimension, not where you are, not here, not now, not on the first day of 2025.

All that came before led to this day. The moment human beings begin the final transcendence of this dimension. The year that we lay down our weapons, in all their various forms, because we can all agree——no matter what else we disagree about——we can all agree that God is a real feeling.

Through all the bloodshed and the betrayals and the mass poisonings and the deliberate cruelty, that feeling of God/Dog continues to exist to this very moment: Day One of Twenty Twenty-five. And we agree it would be IMMENSELY INCREDIBLE TO USE THAT FEELING TO ACHIEVE PEACE ON EARTH.

Who can disagree with this? Who among you believes that any objective is greater than following an obvious, real, followable path to rejoining God? So let us now, on this New Year’s Day, with the whole meaning of history behind us, and all that a New Year’s promise can make us imagine in our souls, commit to to seven basic agreements. Not principles. Not things you have to bow down to.

Understandings. Things we can all agree on. There are seven of them. And they kind of exist whether you like it or not. So you don’t have to join me. But I think these agreements are, in the great, glorious words of the gifted, imperfect people who tried to create religious freedom for everyone, self-evident. These seven agreements are the path forward, and they are the heart of VISION2025.

1. We agree that the feeling of eternity is a product of your nervous system. You know this. You’ve experienced it at your best moments, in sports, in performance, in art, in battle, physical or intellectual, or both. In dance. At parties. In sex. In communion with others. Glimpses. You know what eternity feels like even if you can’t describe it, and you are ready to accept that it is a feeling, which means that your nervous system can produce it. Eternity is a feeling your nervous system, and everyone else’s individual nervous system, can produce, under the right conditions.

2. We agree that the feeling of eternity, because it is a thing we all agree is real, can be investigated. That it can last long enough for us to look at and wonder at how to get it, and how to make it last. Last longer than a blackout drunk. Longer than a heroin high. Longer than a three-day party that leads to two weeks of needed rest. Longer than the greatest love affair that ever existed. Longer, even, than the greatest marriage that ever existed between any two great souls.

We can try, at least, to look at it, and try to feel more of it, for more moments at a time. Knowing that this dimension is felt through polar opposites, and knowing that psychology——real science data——has shown us over and over that happiness cannot be increased much beyond a certain practical comfort level.

Knowing that all the data that scientists agree on suggest that we crash if we let our nervous systems get too high. Knowing and understanding the human condition and this dimension as best we can as a polar-opposites-dimension, we can still explore this idea of eternity.

We can try to harness the feeling of eternity for good, and we can try to use it to produce more, longer, versions of itself. The people who came before 2025 created religion to try to institutionalize this attempt at harnessing eternity. We don’t have to worry right now about how we feel about that. It came before 2025. Take from it what you want, or take nothing. We’re moving on. Moving on to achieving God/Dog in this dimension.

In this attempt to harness eternity, we can use ourselves, our bodies and souls and minds, to receive encouragement in the feeling of eternity, to consciously try to grasp and feel that feeling. To receive it from outside us and to generate it inside us. And then to transmit it. Transmit it to others. To create conditions where more and more nervous systems can also feel this eternity feeling along with us, and then join us in creating even more and more of it.

3. We agree, therefore, that our first job, whatever else, is to heal ourselves. We agree that this is a difficult process, and we forgive each other for stumbling in the difficulty.

It is a process that requires at least a half a lifetime of unconscious and conscious application. Many have called this process the journey because that phrase is handy and useful. Many say the journey never stops, even after you’ve really received the true message.

More important, we agree, and many have agreed before us, that the journey requires patience and listening and, if possible, the advantages of having learned, somehow, early on, through an experience, or through the wise guidance of others, or just a dream, that you are seeking something.

Your essential task is to figure out how you landed in the place you did, and then to get yourself——the particle that was thrown from the heart of God——onto a journey back into the light. Back to God/Dog. Back to the infinite.

This is easier to do, this healing journey back to the infinite, when you get a glimpse of the infinite early on. From what you’re reading, listening to, thinking about, from solving an equation, from cooking, or whatever is engaging your soul.

Or when wise, tolerant people help you get a glimpse of the infinite because they know that glimpse is a gift that will serve you better than money. Because it allows you to see the beacon, so you can guide the ship of your body to that lighthouse. So you can fly the spaceship of your body to that home planet and get this particle of a time-traveling soul back to the infinite oneness of the God/Dog body. It helps when you get a glimpse. But it’s not necessary.

Even those with the greatest belief must doubt, and your journey is going to go through some real darkness whether you’ve seen the light in a flash before or not. It’s just easier with something or someone helping you understand early on that you’re looking for that light. It’s easier when you can see where that light is coming from, so you can start heading there. Which means figuring out how to get there from here, from the current state of yourself and your body and your soul and mind. And to do that, to figure that out, is to engage in an ancient, archetypal, powerful phenomenon that many, many, many people who came before 2025 have tried to experience, and many others have tried to avoid, and still many others have tried to keep at an arm’s length while they exploit it for power and money.

That phenomenon is called healing. Healing is the core energy that starts your real journey. You never know when the healing will start. In general, you search for at least half a lifetime before you really begin to understand how to heal yourself, before you know how to do it so well that you can begin healing others. It could take longer. A lot of people don’t really get started until the time of their death (which concludes the healing).

4. We agree that the phenomenon of healing is occurring in a dimension made up of polar opposites, and, as such, you are going to have to relax your mind into that scary but survivable bath of a fact.

Everything is polar opposites at once in this dimension, and our quantum computers of a mind and soul are constantly seeking to resolve those complex dualities. Because they exist everywhere. Every possible thing we can think of, and feel and describe, or imagine, is automatically on a spectrum along which, one way, there is one extreme, with one meaning, and along which, the other way, there appears to be the exact opposite meaning.

We agree that our core objective in this game of life, the objective that facilitates your accomplishment of all your other goals——including, most important, communing in health and laughter with other human beings——is to heal you body and mind and, ultimately, your soul. To heal yourself here, in a dimension of infinite spectra spearing out in opposites, and radiating those opposites out in an infinite number of directions.

There is no end to the countable spectra, and there is no end to either end of each spectrum. That’s where you live, and that’s where you have to heal yourself. As such, you will begin the process of replicating this old, ancient, sacred ritual of engaging with the phenomenon of healing by recognizing that your healing is going to come from the inside and the outside at the same time.

When your time has come, and your vehicle locks into the healing beam——a beam that is felt long before you can ever attempt to visually see it in this dimension——so that it is guiding you and your body-vehicle toward the healing light——when you have really begun to heal, it will be because you have worked long and hard trying to heal from the inside out. And you will now, starting in 2025, without regard to anything else that has ever happened or has ever been said, begin believing that doing that work of healing yourself from the inside will, by laws of nature that we have not fully explored yet, automatically create an equally healing reaction from the world outside of your body.

From the minute you begin dedicating yourself to healing yourself first, before anyone else——though not at the expense of anyone else’s healing——you start a long, hard journey that is being invisibly supported by outside, as yet unknown forces, human forces who have heard the signal of your healing starting. People who are now beginning, as you continue to work from the inside out, to home in on you, to find you, to enfold you, and hold you, with the intention of aiding you in your healing.

Those unknown forces——those healing people——are going to meet you in the middle. And when your inner work meets with their outer work, you will feel it in your bones, and you will know it in your mind. Both at once. And, at that magical moment, you will be in the beam of light. The tractor beam drawing you ever closer to God/Dog——eternity——so that, even as the journey continues to be hard, and challenging, and you continue to heal, you know where you’re going, and you gain such confidence in where you’re going that you start to hold the hands of others and guide them toward the beam.

Until, that is, your healing process is so far along that you become, consciously, one of those unknown forces yourself, feeling your way to the ones who need healing from you, others who are uniquely inclined to get that healing from you specifically. You and everything you are. What you look like even, because your face is a transmitter, and the way you talk and feel and how you choose to share the healing with them in your own particular way, informed by your experiences and mistakes and triumphs.

The people you can help the most will be people you’re drawn to, and you’ll realize: Oh, wait. I’m the unknown force now meeting these people halfway, as they work through the hard initial stage of waking up to what they’re supposed to be doing here, and then gathering enough wisdom and courage to start asking for help. I’m the outside help now, even as I keep healing on the inside.

5. We agree that everything that came before happened for a reason. Did it? You hate it when people say this. For good reason. It’s often abused. But stop now, because everything changed, because it’s New Year’s day 2025. Think about it for a second.

Are you into the idea that our consciousness, and our conscious decisions, are shaping reality on a quantum level somehow? Then look at it like that. Here we are in 2025, looking back at everything that came before. All of it. All the beauty and all the horror. All the inspiration and all the mistakes. All the examples of people trying to heal others, and all the examples of people hurting others in that exact disguise. We can look at that mindblowingly infinite mass of happenings, and we can judge it, or we can use it.

It’s that simple. It already happened. How it came to pass, and why, and what certain parts of it meant, can be discussed over some great Czech beer and a half an Ativan later on when we have the time. And we will, if we do this right. We’ll have the time to peacefully debate history for eternity. But right now, when the planet is on the verge of dying for real, dying forever (as we understand forever), we can look at all the stuff that led to this disaster and hate it. Or we can use it.

6. We agree that deciding to use everything that came before is the simplest, and easiest, and most efficient way to achieve peace on Earth. Nothing new needs to be developed now. It’s already been thought of, tested, suggested——it’s already in use. Let’s get down to specifics so we can talk about an example. What is peace on Earth? Our working definition of that, so far here in PARTICLES, is that peace on Earth is a condition that occurs when every single human being on the planet has been fed, housed, and medicated well enough to experience the eternal feeling of God/Dog——to feel it, which means, to be healed enough to have their stable nervous systems produce it.

Once healing has begun for all humans, once the basic needs of every single human on the planet have been met so they can commune with God/Dog——every human being without exception——the first thing we will begin doing is ensuring that all animals, and all other living things, are given the same opportunity, in human-coordinated harmony, like one giant, human-managed, living, breathing, Earth museum. As it was meant to be. That work of caring for the living museum will be done as one great human acting in harmony and unity to heal the entire planet.

God/Dog is going to heal the planet, and that healing will be achieved through the coordination of human nervous systems and human activity. Now, what’s an example? If that’s peace on Earth, what’s an example of how we can use everything that came before, to become that unified-human God/Dog and heal the planet?

7. We agree that the following is a really good example of how peace on Earth is possible, and how it is possible to achieve it without requiring that everyone become unemployed, or move somewhere else, or change their thoughts, or leave their jobs, or start wearing new clothes, or eating new food.

Every single thing that is here now, products of what came before, can be healed. Every single thing, system, job, idea, routine, process, and human being in any position of power or powerlessness can be healed. If it exists right now, it can be healed. And your job, without saying one word——at first——without more than twinkle in your eye, is to quietly and (at first) in super subtle ways, start using what you are doing right now to achieve peace on Earth.

Now here’s the example to help inspire you to figure out how what should be done can be done, right now, by you, starting on the first day of 2025. Because only you can do it in your way. In your job, at your company, or with your military unit, or in your school or university. You’re there right now, exactly where you’re supposed to be, at the beginning of 2025, ready to have a change of heart and believe, despite all the odds, in the absurd truth that we can actually achieve peace on Earth in your lifetime, and that you could see it and be a part of it.

The example is this: Amazon. There are other companies I could use for my example, but I find it easiest and most efficient to use Amazon for this example. Amazon is a company that has solved so many efficiency problems in fewer that 25 years that it’s just damned staggering. You can’t argue with the accomplishment of Jeff Bezos. We look at space rockets and AI for inspiration about what can be achieved, but honestly, if you want a good example of what can be achieved down here on Earth, by making things more efficient, look at Amazon.

Despite having evolved in an unfettered capitalist culture, so that many, many workers suffered to bring us these efficiencies, and despite its continuing to evolve through the time of AI, through threats to democracy as a very idea, and threats to the planet as a livable home——that is, through the epoch of unrestrained billionaires——through all of it, Amazon has continued to just make things better for its customers.

Now, in our current state, Amazon is doing that at what we can all agree as practical people——practical people who all agree that peace should be a priority, who are interested in peace on Earth——Amazon is achieving its mission of making life better for its customers at an unnecessarily brutal cost. Those are the rules of capitalism we have chosen to live by, for the moment, and Jeff Bezos is a player of that game.

He has played that particular game very, very well, and he, like many he inspires and competes against, is understandably reluctant to believe that the game is anything other than an eternal reality of what will always be so. But is it? Or can this reality be healed? Can Amazon be healed? What do you think?

Join me for a second in imagining how this could happen. Remember, our goal is to ensure that every single person on the planet is fed, housed, and medicated well enough to feel the feeling of eternity emanating from their nervous systems. What better tool to begin doing that than Amazon? Jeff Bezos has already created something that can efficiently begin serving this purpose today, the first day of 2025.

How will the details be worked out? Well, we will have to discuss that. Part of the lesson of this example is that we aren’t going to argue hard about details at first. Remember, you can begin joining me on this mission right now, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, by beginning to heal yourself, and then beginning to let that healing rub off on others, through the way you work your job, and the way you inspire people quietly or loudly. And the way you begin, after you get a little healed, to really want others to feel this feeling.

It’s called, for many good reasons, and we will continue to call it this, because it’s very handy and accurate, a change of heart.

People who agree to join VISION2025, first just in their hearts, right now, are not asking you to buy a particular car or a particular religion or a particular philosophy. We can keep it all, really, pretty much all of it, in its current incarnation. Because billionaire culture has, by accident, mostly created a reality in 2025 that can suddenly, in a quantum instant, be used to achieve peace on Earth.

Yay. For real. Take a breath.

For all the all imbalances that have happened, all the real suffering a lot of real people down here on the ground level are going through and have gone through because of it, billionaire culture may have sped up the process of making some essential systems more efficient to the purpose of achieving peace on Earth. Billionaire culture may have accidentally started to heal everything. Really? Remember, this is an irony dimension. Shakespeare knows the truth. The myths know the truths. Irony is key to everything. So did billionaire culture, ironically, make peace on Earch possible? It’s up to us.

Look at it. Look at what’s at hand and ready to use. And here’s the final important piece of this very important, one might even be tempted to say fated, example. Jeff doesn’t have to go anywhere.

Why? Why would we try to repeat the brutal mistakes of our rebellious past, even if we can sympathize with those mistakes, even if we grew up, at least in my generation, rooting for the rebels. Those rebels were in space, so the powers that be let us root for them and feel a little God/Dog while we did. But——take real note here——Mangione is not the way. You will see this clearly. That, too, happened for a reason, and it happened before 2025. There is meaning in it, and tragedy, and maybe victory too, but it’s not anything like VISION2025.

Because what we’re going to do is so much more efficient. A CEO can always be replaced. In fact, companies are designed to make people fungible, to make individual personalities and ethics not matter, which is why they are also very dangerous. So scaring people, or punishing them, might work in some ways, or from some perspectives, for a very, very short period of time in the grand scheme of things. But it will never, ever, ever bring peace on Earth.

So, instead, we will simply begin asking in 2025, what it would cost everyone to achieve peace on Earth? Start tallying it up. Let’s look at it. Because I think we will all find that it doesn’t cost us very much at all in the grander sense. Nobody has to give up a yacht even (though they may, as they heal, begin using their yacht to pick up drowning kids in the Mediterranean who were just hoping for a better life——a life where they could begin healing so they could join us on the journey and feel God/Dog).

Nobody has to be replaced. Because that would be inefficient. And VISION2025 is nothing if not efficient. Just look at the Bezos’s unfortunately public divorce. From where I’m standing, without having paid too much attention, it looks like Jeff’s ex-wife is attempting to use some of Amazon’s wealth to create good. And, if that’s the case, I really salute that. I honestly do.

But let’s——let us billions of regular people everywhere, in every country——ask what it would cost to just use the machinery Jeff built to achieve peace on Earth. The most efficient way for us to achieve peace on Earth is for all of us to use the quantum healing power of our eyes to just look at Jeff in a loving way——and I’m not kidding either, don’t you get it twisted for even one hot second——we’re all just gonna look at Jeff in that way until Jeff wants a piece of eternity too.

Until Jeff wants to get in on this groovy action of believing that we will be able to achieve peace on Earth in our lifetime. Until he and a lot of his friends and competitors and all of us citizens of this Earth begin, slowly, pointing everything that currently exists, everything that has survived until 2025, toward making peace on Earth happen. Because it’s not just Jeff. Remember, Jeff Bezos and Amazon are just an example, and they earned our use of them as an example, Jeff and every single one of his employees. But we’re going to be looking at everyone that way. Everyone who can, in a quantum second, have a change of heart and start making peace on Earth a reality.

This is VISION2025. For my part, I’m going to keep making music and keep talking about this revelation here in PARTICLES. I hope I get to do even more in 2025 to make peace on Earth happen. I have plans to heal a lot of people and a lot of relationships. I have even bigger plans than that. You will see. For now, can you agree with my seven points and get on board with VISION2025? Then please share this post. Make it a hashtag or whatever the next evolution of the hashtag is. Make it a thing. A 2025 thing.

Let’s make peace a reality. Because the human race deserves to feel as close to God/Dog as we can in this dimension, as often as possible. And because we can. We really can. Now.

Finally. Hallelujah.

Happy New Year. It’s 2025 and 2024 is behind us. And so is all of the history that came before 2025. Take a deep breath so you can just feel the weight and depth and spread of that. All the details that came before now. Everything that happened. We can disagree, still, about how it happened. We could discuss blame. We’re not going to, though. You will understand why by the time we’ve concluded this talk.

We could look at the past and assign blame, or assign causality with extreme prejudice and pretend we’re just doing history. But we’re not going to, for one simple reason. That reason is this: You cannot argue with the fact that the past led us to this moment. To 2025.

Try it. Try arguing with that. Take your different reads of history, take your suddenly unearthed bombshell secrets and your awesome quantum universe theories, take them all and throw them and everything else you’ve got at the fact of that. That, whatever the color or flavor, whatever “blame” is assigned, whatever theoretical or theological or historical lens is applied, it all led to now. This moment.


Agreed? Ok. So now, we are simply going to state, to ourselves, for real, on this first day of 2025, and then to others, throughout 2025, with love and patience, that all of that which came before could have led to utter meaningless. Utter betrayal. Godforsakenness in all the pitiful degradation that powerful word implies. It could have, or it would have, it did in another dimension. It could have ended in darkness. But it has not, and it did not, not in this dimension, not where you are, not here, not now, not on the first day of 2025.

All that came before led to this day. The moment human beings begin the final transcendence of this dimension. The year that we lay down our weapons, in all their various forms, because we can all agree——no matter what else we disagree about——we can all agree that God is a real feeling.

Through all the bloodshed and the betrayals and the mass poisonings and the deliberate cruelty, that feeling of God/Dog continues to exist to this very moment: Day One of Twenty Twenty-five. And we agree it would be IMMENSELY INCREDIBLE TO USE THAT FEELING TO ACHIEVE PEACE ON EARTH.

Who can disagree with this? Who among you believes that any objective is greater than following an obvious, real, followable path to rejoining God? So let us now, on this New Year’s Day, with the whole meaning of history behind us, and all that a New Year’s promise can make us imagine in our souls, commit to to seven basic agreements. Not principles. Not things you have to bow down to.

Understandings. Things we can all agree on. There are seven of them. And they kind of exist whether you like it or not. So you don’t have to join me. But I think these agreements are, in the great, glorious words of the gifted, imperfect people who tried to create religious freedom for everyone, self-evident. These seven agreements are the path forward, and they are the heart of VISION2025.

1. We agree that the feeling of eternity is a product of your nervous system. You know this. You’ve experienced it at your best moments, in sports, in performance, in art, in battle, physical or intellectual, or both. In dance. At parties. In sex. In communion with others. Glimpses. You know what eternity feels like even if you can’t describe it, and you are ready to accept that it is a feeling, which means that your nervous system can produce it. Eternity is a feeling your nervous system, and everyone else’s individual nervous system, can produce, under the right conditions.

2. We agree that the feeling of eternity, because it is a thing we all agree is real, can be investigated. That it can last long enough for us to look at and wonder at how to get it, and how to make it last. Last longer than a blackout drunk. Longer than a heroin high. Longer than a three-day party that leads to two weeks of needed rest. Longer than the greatest love affair that ever existed. Longer, even, than the greatest marriage that ever existed between any two great souls.

We can try, at least, to look at it, and try to feel more of it, for more moments at a time. Knowing that this dimension is felt through polar opposites, and knowing that psychology——real science data——has shown us over and over that happiness cannot be increased much beyond a certain practical comfort level.

Knowing that all the data that scientists agree on suggest that we crash if we let our nervous systems get too high. Knowing and understanding the human condition and this dimension as best we can as a polar-opposites-dimension, we can still explore this idea of eternity.

We can try to harness the feeling of eternity for good, and we can try to use it to produce more, longer, versions of itself. The people who came before 2025 created religion to try to institutionalize this attempt at harnessing eternity. We don’t have to worry right now about how we feel about that. It came before 2025. Take from it what you want, or take nothing. We’re moving on. Moving on to achieving God/Dog in this dimension.

In this attempt to harness eternity, we can use ourselves, our bodies and souls and minds, to receive encouragement in the feeling of eternity, to consciously try to grasp and feel that feeling. To receive it from outside us and to generate it inside us. And then to transmit it. Transmit it to others. To create conditions where more and more nervous systems can also feel this eternity feeling along with us, and then join us in creating even more and more of it.

3. We agree, therefore, that our first job, whatever else, is to heal ourselves. We agree that this is a difficult process, and we forgive each other for stumbling in the difficulty.

It is a process that requires at least a half a lifetime of unconscious and conscious application. Many have called this process the journey because that phrase is handy and useful. Many say the journey never stops, even after you’ve really received the true message.

More important, we agree, and many have agreed before us, that the journey requires patience and listening and, if possible, the advantages of having learned, somehow, early on, through an experience, or through the wise guidance of others, or just a dream, that you are seeking something.

Your essential task is to figure out how you landed in the place you did, and then to get yourself——the particle that was thrown from the heart of God——onto a journey back into the light. Back to God/Dog. Back to the infinite.

This is easier to do, this healing journey back to the infinite, when you get a glimpse of the infinite early on. From what you’re reading, listening to, thinking about, from solving an equation, from cooking, or whatever is engaging your soul.

Or when wise, tolerant people help you get a glimpse of the infinite because they know that glimpse is a gift that will serve you better than money. Because it allows you to see the beacon, so you can guide the ship of your body to that lighthouse. So you can fly the spaceship of your body to that home planet and get this particle of a time-traveling soul back to the infinite oneness of the God/Dog body. It helps when you get a glimpse. But it’s not necessary.

Even those with the greatest belief must doubt, and your journey is going to go through some real darkness whether you’ve seen the light in a flash before or not. It’s just easier with something or someone helping you understand early on that you’re looking for that light. It’s easier when you can see where that light is coming from, so you can start heading there. Which means figuring out how to get there from here, from the current state of yourself and your body and your soul and mind. And to do that, to figure that out, is to engage in an ancient, archetypal, powerful phenomenon that many, many, many people who came before 2025 have tried to experience, and many others have tried to avoid, and still many others have tried to keep at an arm’s length while they exploit it for power and money.

That phenomenon is called healing. Healing is the core energy that starts your real journey. You never know when the healing will start. In general, you search for at least half a lifetime before you really begin to understand how to heal yourself, before you know how to do it so well that you can begin healing others. It could take longer. A lot of people don’t really get started until the time of their death (which concludes the healing).

4. We agree that the phenomenon of healing is occurring in a dimension made up of polar opposites, and, as such, you are going to have to relax your mind into that scary but survivable bath of a fact.

Everything is polar opposites at once in this dimension, and our quantum computers of a mind and soul are constantly seeking to resolve those complex dualities. Because they exist everywhere. Every possible thing we can think of, and feel and describe, or imagine, is automatically on a spectrum along which, one way, there is one extreme, with one meaning, and along which, the other way, there appears to be the exact opposite meaning.

We agree that our core objective in this game of life, the objective that facilitates your accomplishment of all your other goals——including, most important, communing in health and laughter with other human beings——is to heal you body and mind and, ultimately, your soul. To heal yourself here, in a dimension of infinite spectra spearing out in opposites, and radiating those opposites out in an infinite number of directions.

There is no end to the countable spectra, and there is no end to either end of each spectrum. That’s where you live, and that’s where you have to heal yourself. As such, you will begin the process of replicating this old, ancient, sacred ritual of engaging with the phenomenon of healing by recognizing that your healing is going to come from the inside and the outside at the same time.

When your time has come, and your vehicle locks into the healing beam——a beam that is felt long before you can ever attempt to visually see it in this dimension——so that it is guiding you and your body-vehicle toward the healing light——when you have really begun to heal, it will be because you have worked long and hard trying to heal from the inside out. And you will now, starting in 2025, without regard to anything else that has ever happened or has ever been said, begin believing that doing that work of healing yourself from the inside will, by laws of nature that we have not fully explored yet, automatically create an equally healing reaction from the world outside of your body.

From the minute you begin dedicating yourself to healing yourself first, before anyone else——though not at the expense of anyone else’s healing——you start a long, hard journey that is being invisibly supported by outside, as yet unknown forces, human forces who have heard the signal of your healing starting. People who are now beginning, as you continue to work from the inside out, to home in on you, to find you, to enfold you, and hold you, with the intention of aiding you in your healing.

Those unknown forces——those healing people——are going to meet you in the middle. And when your inner work meets with their outer work, you will feel it in your bones, and you will know it in your mind. Both at once. And, at that magical moment, you will be in the beam of light. The tractor beam drawing you ever closer to God/Dog——eternity——so that, even as the journey continues to be hard, and challenging, and you continue to heal, you know where you’re going, and you gain such confidence in where you’re going that you start to hold the hands of others and guide them toward the beam.

Until, that is, your healing process is so far along that you become, consciously, one of those unknown forces yourself, feeling your way to the ones who need healing from you, others who are uniquely inclined to get that healing from you specifically. You and everything you are. What you look like even, because your face is a transmitter, and the way you talk and feel and how you choose to share the healing with them in your own particular way, informed by your experiences and mistakes and triumphs.

The people you can help the most will be people you’re drawn to, and you’ll realize: Oh, wait. I’m the unknown force now meeting these people halfway, as they work through the hard initial stage of waking up to what they’re supposed to be doing here, and then gathering enough wisdom and courage to start asking for help. I’m the outside help now, even as I keep healing on the inside.

5. We agree that everything that came before happened for a reason. Did it? You hate it when people say this. For good reason. It’s often abused. But stop now, because everything changed, because it’s New Year’s day 2025. Think about it for a second.

Are you into the idea that our consciousness, and our conscious decisions, are shaping reality on a quantum level somehow? Then look at it like that. Here we are in 2025, looking back at everything that came before. All of it. All the beauty and all the horror. All the inspiration and all the mistakes. All the examples of people trying to heal others, and all the examples of people hurting others in that exact disguise. We can look at that mindblowingly infinite mass of happenings, and we can judge it, or we can use it.

It’s that simple. It already happened. How it came to pass, and why, and what certain parts of it meant, can be discussed over some great Czech beer and a half an Ativan later on when we have the time. And we will, if we do this right. We’ll have the time to peacefully debate history for eternity. But right now, when the planet is on the verge of dying for real, dying forever (as we understand forever), we can look at all the stuff that led to this disaster and hate it. Or we can use it.

6. We agree that deciding to use everything that came before is the simplest, and easiest, and most efficient way to achieve peace on Earth. Nothing new needs to be developed now. It’s already been thought of, tested, suggested——it’s already in use. Let’s get down to specifics so we can talk about an example. What is peace on Earth? Our working definition of that, so far here in PARTICLES, is that peace on Earth is a condition that occurs when every single human being on the planet has been fed, housed, and medicated well enough to experience the eternal feeling of God/Dog——to feel it, which means, to be healed enough to have their stable nervous systems produce it.

Once healing has begun for all humans, once the basic needs of every single human on the planet have been met so they can commune with God/Dog——every human being without exception——the first thing we will begin doing is ensuring that all animals, and all other living things, are given the same opportunity, in human-coordinated harmony, like one giant, human-managed, living, breathing, Earth museum. As it was meant to be. That work of caring for the living museum will be done as one great human acting in harmony and unity to heal the entire planet.

God/Dog is going to heal the planet, and that healing will be achieved through the coordination of human nervous systems and human activity. Now, what’s an example? If that’s peace on Earth, what’s an example of how we can use everything that came before, to become that unified-human God/Dog and heal the planet?

7. We agree that the following is a really good example of how peace on Earth is possible, and how it is possible to achieve it without requiring that everyone become unemployed, or move somewhere else, or change their thoughts, or leave their jobs, or start wearing new clothes, or eating new food.

Every single thing that is here now, products of what came before, can be healed. Every single thing, system, job, idea, routine, process, and human being in any position of power or powerlessness can be healed. If it exists right now, it can be healed. And your job, without saying one word——at first——without more than twinkle in your eye, is to quietly and (at first) in super subtle ways, start using what you are doing right now to achieve peace on Earth.

Now here’s the example to help inspire you to figure out how what should be done can be done, right now, by you, starting on the first day of 2025. Because only you can do it in your way. In your job, at your company, or with your military unit, or in your school or university. You’re there right now, exactly where you’re supposed to be, at the beginning of 2025, ready to have a change of heart and believe, despite all the odds, in the absurd truth that we can actually achieve peace on Earth in your lifetime, and that you could see it and be a part of it.

The example is this: Amazon. There are other companies I could use for my example, but I find it easiest and most efficient to use Amazon for this example. Amazon is a company that has solved so many efficiency problems in fewer that 25 years that it’s just damned staggering. You can’t argue with the accomplishment of Jeff Bezos. We look at space rockets and AI for inspiration about what can be achieved, but honestly, if you want a good example of what can be achieved down here on Earth, by making things more efficient, look at Amazon.

Despite having evolved in an unfettered capitalist culture, so that many, many workers suffered to bring us these efficiencies, and despite its continuing to evolve through the time of AI, through threats to democracy as a very idea, and threats to the planet as a livable home——that is, through the epoch of unrestrained billionaires——through all of it, Amazon has continued to just make things better for its customers.

Now, in our current state, Amazon is doing that at what we can all agree as practical people——practical people who all agree that peace should be a priority, who are interested in peace on Earth——Amazon is achieving its mission of making life better for its customers at an unnecessarily brutal cost. Those are the rules of capitalism we have chosen to live by, for the moment, and Jeff Bezos is a player of that game.

He has played that particular game very, very well, and he, like many he inspires and competes against, is understandably reluctant to believe that the game is anything other than an eternal reality of what will always be so. But is it? Or can this reality be healed? Can Amazon be healed? What do you think?

Join me for a second in imagining how this could happen. Remember, our goal is to ensure that every single person on the planet is fed, housed, and medicated well enough to feel the feeling of eternity emanating from their nervous systems. What better tool to begin doing that than Amazon? Jeff Bezos has already created something that can efficiently begin serving this purpose today, the first day of 2025.

How will the details be worked out? Well, we will have to discuss that. Part of the lesson of this example is that we aren’t going to argue hard about details at first. Remember, you can begin joining me on this mission right now, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, by beginning to heal yourself, and then beginning to let that healing rub off on others, through the way you work your job, and the way you inspire people quietly or loudly. And the way you begin, after you get a little healed, to really want others to feel this feeling.

It’s called, for many good reasons, and we will continue to call it this, because it’s very handy and accurate, a change of heart.

People who agree to join VISION2025, first just in their hearts, right now, are not asking you to buy a particular car or a particular religion or a particular philosophy. We can keep it all, really, pretty much all of it, in its current incarnation. Because billionaire culture has, by accident, mostly created a reality in 2025 that can suddenly, in a quantum instant, be used to achieve peace on Earth.

Yay. For real. Take a breath.

For all the all imbalances that have happened, all the real suffering a lot of real people down here on the ground level are going through and have gone through because of it, billionaire culture may have sped up the process of making some essential systems more efficient to the purpose of achieving peace on Earth. Billionaire culture may have accidentally started to heal everything. Really? Remember, this is an irony dimension. Shakespeare knows the truth. The myths know the truths. Irony is key to everything. So did billionaire culture, ironically, make peace on Earch possible? It’s up to us.

Look at it. Look at what’s at hand and ready to use. And here’s the final important piece of this very important, one might even be tempted to say fated, example. Jeff doesn’t have to go anywhere.

Why? Why would we try to repeat the brutal mistakes of our rebellious past, even if we can sympathize with those mistakes, even if we grew up, at least in my generation, rooting for the rebels. Those rebels were in space, so the powers that be let us root for them and feel a little God/Dog while we did. But——take real note here——Mangione is not the way. You will see this clearly. That, too, happened for a reason, and it happened before 2025. There is meaning in it, and tragedy, and maybe victory too, but it’s not anything like VISION2025.

Because what we’re going to do is so much more efficient. A CEO can always be replaced. In fact, companies are designed to make people fungible, to make individual personalities and ethics not matter, which is why they are also very dangerous. So scaring people, or punishing them, might work in some ways, or from some perspectives, for a very, very short period of time in the grand scheme of things. But it will never, ever, ever bring peace on Earth.

So, instead, we will simply begin asking in 2025, what it would cost everyone to achieve peace on Earth? Start tallying it up. Let’s look at it. Because I think we will all find that it doesn’t cost us very much at all in the grander sense. Nobody has to give up a yacht even (though they may, as they heal, begin using their yacht to pick up drowning kids in the Mediterranean who were just hoping for a better life——a life where they could begin healing so they could join us on the journey and feel God/Dog).

Nobody has to be replaced. Because that would be inefficient. And VISION2025 is nothing if not efficient. Just look at the Bezos’s unfortunately public divorce. From where I’m standing, without having paid too much attention, it looks like Jeff’s ex-wife is attempting to use some of Amazon’s wealth to create good. And, if that’s the case, I really salute that. I honestly do.

But let’s——let us billions of regular people everywhere, in every country——ask what it would cost to just use the machinery Jeff built to achieve peace on Earth. The most efficient way for us to achieve peace on Earth is for all of us to use the quantum healing power of our eyes to just look at Jeff in a loving way——and I’m not kidding either, don’t you get it twisted for even one hot second——we’re all just gonna look at Jeff in that way until Jeff wants a piece of eternity too.

Until Jeff wants to get in on this groovy action of believing that we will be able to achieve peace on Earth in our lifetime. Until he and a lot of his friends and competitors and all of us citizens of this Earth begin, slowly, pointing everything that currently exists, everything that has survived until 2025, toward making peace on Earth happen. Because it’s not just Jeff. Remember, Jeff Bezos and Amazon are just an example, and they earned our use of them as an example, Jeff and every single one of his employees. But we’re going to be looking at everyone that way. Everyone who can, in a quantum second, have a change of heart and start making peace on Earth a reality.

This is VISION2025. For my part, I’m going to keep making music and keep talking about this revelation here in PARTICLES. I hope I get to do even more in 2025 to make peace on Earth happen. I have plans to heal a lot of people and a lot of relationships. I have even bigger plans than that. You will see. For now, can you agree with my seven points and get on board with VISION2025? Then please share this post. Make it a hashtag or whatever the next evolution of the hashtag is. Make it a thing. A 2025 thing.

Let’s make peace a reality. Because the human race deserves to feel as close to God/Dog as we can in this dimension, as often as possible. And because we can. We really can. Now.

Finally. Hallelujah.

Christal (Dancing Queen)
Stranded Video Drop (The Real Deal)

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